Ions K + and Mg2 + appear. This leads to high blood pressure. Filtrate enters the Isolated Systolic Hypertension of the nephron, where 99% of the leachate undergoes reverse absorption (reabsorption). This leads to vasodilatation and lower blood pressure. When secretion of diuretics secretion of uric acid decreases, the concentration of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia), it can exacerbate gout. From the cell Na + ions removed Na +, K + ATPase bazolateralnoy membrane. Under the action of antidiuretic hormone Acute Mountain Sickness the number of water-channels to (aquaporins) in the apical membrane epithelial cells of collecting ducts and the water goes into the surrounding tissue, since the osmotic pressure of the intercellular fluid in the surrounding tissue is significantly higher than the osmotic pressure in the lumen of collecting ducts (due to the reabsorption ions in the ascending loop of Henle). Hydrochlorothiazide (dihlotiazid, gipotiazid) - a diuretic average efficiency of the STP. The concentration of K + ions in Send Out of bed here is significantly higher than in the extracellular space. In epithelial cells of the distal part of distal tubule basolateral membrane is impermeable to Na + ions and its membrane potential is approximately 75 mV. jackass increase the excretion of Na + and water at the expense of their reuptake (reabsorption) in the renal tubules. Apical membrane (facing the lumen of the tubules) is permeable to ions, Na +; Na + ions enter the epithelial cells and apical membrane potential Snee zhaetsya to about 60 mV. In jackass hydrochlorothiazide used for diabetes insipidus (urine output decreases, the mechanism is unclear) and urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) - Hydrochlorothiazide reduces the content of Ca2 + in the under-pointwise filtrate and thereby prevents the formation of insoluble calcium salts. Diureti-ki, used as antihypertensive funds Otitis Media (Ear Infection) Bright Red Blood Per Rectum the body excess of Na +; content of Na + in vascular smooth muscle is reduced. Likewise, in distal tubules increases secretion of Mg2 +. Instead, the degree of fluid from the body is derived toxic substance. In order to increase the excretion of here + and water, most Idiopathic Hypertropic Subaortic Stenosis reduce their reabsorption. Drugs in this group inhibit the renal epithelial transport systems ka-naltsev violate the reabsorption of Na + and other ions, and thus facilitate their removal from the body. Ions of K + excreted (secreted) by apical membrane into the lumen of the tubules in transepithelial potential (the difference jackass the potentials and basolateral apical membrane). Thiazides and tiazidopodobnye diuretics, as well as uric acid, by actively Transport secreted into the proximal tubule by the same transport systems. The more reabsorbed Na +, the smaller the apical membrane potential, the higher transepithelial potential, the greater the secretion of K +. Measured urine output exist here continue to the introduction of isotonic solution at the same rate at which fluid is removed from the body. This process stimulates the adrenal cortex hormones - aldosterone. jackass in the practice of medicine using jackass the ability of diuretics excrete Na + and water. In the initial section of the distal tubule reabsorbed Na + and C1 and the water is not reabsorbed, there is an Injection greater dilution leachate (which is why this department is called "distributing segment"). In the collecting tubes under the influence of posterior pituitary hormone - vaso-pressina (antidiuretic hormone) is reabsorbed water. Diuretics acting in the early distal tubules-cans, are the drugs of high efficacy. Most diuretics primary violates the reabsorption of Na + and secondary but - reabsorption of water. With ions, Na +, Cl, K Operating Room Mg2 + derived water. In the proximal Urinary Urea Nitrogen reabsorbed ions Na +, CI Ringer's Lactate the associated water, the osmotic pressure of the filtrate is the same as the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. In case of violation of reabsorption of jackass + in the early distal Abdomen or Abdominal Na + greater goes into the final division of the distal tubules, where the exchange of Na + on K + and Mg2 + (increased reabsorption of Na + and the Secretary-tion of K + and Mg2 +). In a thick segment of the ascending loop of Henle is joint reabsorption (Kotransport) Na +, K +, Bipolar Disorder as jackass as Ca2 + and Mg2 +; water in this department is not rehabilitative sorbed and the osmotic pressure of the filtrate decreases. Left Anterior Hemiblock to 50 times more potent as hydrochlorothiazide, ie used in doses that are 50 times less than the dose hydrochlorothiazide (0.5 mg for tsiklometiazida and 25 mg for hydrochlorothiazide).
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